Quickstart Guide
MD-SAPT simplifies the calculation of SAPT interaction energies between selected residue pairs in MD trajectories. Running it just requires MD simulation files.
Ensure that you have the following things set up:
You have existing MD trajectory and topology files in any form that `MDAnalysis <https://mdanalysis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/`_ supports
You have already installed MDSAPT, following the :installation guide:install
Generating an input file
The following steps describe how to set up the input YAML file.
Run mdsapt generate [filename] to generate a blank Trajectory SAPT input file at the given filename. Don’t worry, it will not overwrite any files unless you explicitly provide the -f flag.
Specify the MD file locations in the input file
Specify the residue numbers you wish to analyze
Specify the pairs of residues from the numbers in step 3
Specify trajectory, optimization, SAPT method, basis set , and Psi4 settings (see psi4 documentation for more information)
Here is an example of a filled-out YAML file:
method: "sapt0"
basis: "jun-cc-pvdz"
reference: "rhf"
save_output: true
ph: 7.0
charge_guesser: "standard"
# charge_guesser: 'rdkit' # to use rdkit. Make sure it is installed first.
ncpus: 32
memory: "80GB"
### This section is for running TrajectorySAPT. To run other types of analyses, see below.
type: "trajectory"
topology: testtop.psf
- testtraj.dcd
# Place pair of selections defined above in a list of lists
- [109, 196]
- [197, 199]
- [208, 200]
- [156, 44]
- [84, 13]
start: 78
stop: 97
step: 1
output: "output.csv"
Running SAPT
Using the mdsapt CLI
This mode is suited for:
running on an HPC cluster
running a simple input file
With the input done MD-SAPT is ready to be run. Simply execute
mdsapt run [filename] [output]
and it will run SAPT on your trajectory using the parameters specified in your input file.
Using the mdsapt Python library
This mode is suited for:
using MD-SAPT in a notebook
using MD-SAPT in your own library or applications
The classes involved are as follows:
The settings are read using
The InputReader is then passed into
which handles preparing residues.Finally,
is used to run SAPT over the MD data.The results are stored in a
which can be accessed under the TrajectorySAPT.results property.
Here is some code demonstrating it:
import mdsapt
config = mdsapt.load_from_yaml_file('runinput.yaml')
sapt_run = mdsapt.TrajectorySAPT(config)
sapt_run.run(config.start, config.stop, config.step)
See also the Binder demo for a bigger example.